A cold front passing through during the early morning brought much colder air with a stiff breeze and showers of sleet, hail and a little snow, though not enough to cover the ground. The weather improved a little from late morning onwards, but skies remained largely cloudy with just fleeting glimpses of sunshine to bring any cheer. Feeling raw in a cold west to north westerly wind.
Maximum: 4.3c (11:44), minimum: 0.4c (06:24). Average temperature for the day: 2.3c
Highest apparent temperature: 0.4c (17:05). Low apparent temperature: -4.6c (08:19)
Highest sustained wind speed: 15.5mph (11:09).
Highest gust speed: 22.1mph (09:59), bearing 2700 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 290 (WNW)
Maximum: 1008.7Mb, minimum: 1000.9Mb
Highest: 88% (11:09), lowest 75% (18:25)
Total for today: 2.7mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.50mm (09:34)
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