Well, after not seeing the sun all that much throughout January, we've been spoilt so far in February, as it's been another day of sunshine with just some thin cloud coming in during the afternoon. The day started cold again meaning the car window needed another scrape, but without any clouds it was noticeably lighter much sooner. And there was the added bonus of a full moon setting at 7:15am with Jupiter shining brightly directly above it.
Temperatures today weren't too bad for a clear winter's day; with the prevailing wind being from the east, the worst of the weather is stuck over the other side of the Pennines.
Maximum: 3.8c (11:56), minimum: -1.8c (06:51). Average temperature for the day: 0.9c
Highest apparent temperature: 0.2c (13:36). Low apparent temperature: -5.9c (07:16)
Highest sustained wind speed: 10.7mph (14:46).
Highest gust speed: 10.7mph (14:56), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 148 (SEbS)
Maximum: 1031.1Mb, minimum: 1021.7Mb
Highest: 78% (04:16), lowest 58% (12:11)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm (--:--)
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