About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Studying a summer frontal system

An OK sort of day without being exceptional in any way.  Dry for the most part, but cloud gradually thickened heralding the arrival of a front around lunchtime.

I've some new charts to show the change in temperature, wind and rain over the 24 hours, and these show quite nicely what happens as the front first approaches and then passes.  The wind slowly picks up throughout the morning, as does the temperature, but as the front passes over there's a noticeable dip in temperature, up to 5°C, and a fairly brief spell of heavy rain: we had 2.1mm between 1pm and 2pm.  After the front, the temperature gradually climbed again, and with clearer skies it felt quite pleasant.
10 Aug Dashboard
Maximum: 21.6°C (12:45).  Minimum: 13.5°C (23:00).  Average temperature for the day: 17.1°C
Highest apparent temperature: 21.5°C (13:00).  Low apparent temperature: 12.7°C (23:45)

Highest sustained wind speed: 12.5mph (13:50).
Highest gust speed: 14.5mph (13:50), bearing 225 (SW)
Dominant wind bearing: 297 (WNW)

Maximum: 1015.8Mb, minimum: 1011.4Mb

Highest: 86% (09:40), lowest 60% (17:05)

Total for today: 2.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.1mm/hr (13:45)

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