Wind coming from a slightly milder direction today, and the warmer air is carrying much more moisture, making it feel a little clammy and muggy. Temperatures warmer too, peaking in the low 20s in the afternoon, just into the low 70s in Fahrenheit. Despite the humidity, staying dry.
Maximum: 21.2°C (15:15). Minimum: 11.7°C (05:45). Average temperature for the day: 15.6°C
Highest apparent temperature: 19.3°C (15:10). Low apparent temperature: 11.5°C (05:15)
Highest sustained wind speed: 9.6mph (17:00).
Highest gust speed: 13.6mph (16:55), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 237 (SWbW)
Maximum: 1019.2Mb, minimum: 1016.0Mb
Highest: 85% (06:10), lowest 42% (14:55)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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