A little rain overnight meant the patio was wet when we opened the kitchen blind this morning. The forecast suggested a dry day though, so I was looking forward to mowing the grass and getting the garden tidy. However, the skies had other ideas and the dark and brooding clouds decided to sprinkle some liberal rain for most of the afternoon, which meant we spent the day indoors. Drier by evening but again another uninspiring day.
Maximum: 17.2°C (14:53). Minimum: 10.8°C (05:53). Average temperature for the day: 13.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.5°C (14:53). Low apparent temperature: 8.6°C (05:38)
Highest sustained wind speed: 9.1mph (08:43).
Highest gust speed: 12.1mph (08:43), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 295 (WNW)
Maximum: 1015.5Mb, minimum: 1011.6Mb
Highest: 89% (05:58), lowest 66% (11:33)
Total for today: 3.6mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.1mm/hr
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