Perhaps my lexicon of adjectives is letting me down today but I'm struggling to find a suitable way of summarising the day. Fairly dull and overcast, not especially warm but not cold either. The odd splash of sunshine and we managed to avoid the showers too, but really for July we should see better.
Maximum: 18.3°C (13:58). Minimum: 6.7°C (02:33). Average temperature for the day: 12.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.7°C (13:53). Low apparent temperature: 5.5°C (02:33)
Highest sustained wind speed: 8.1mph (11:58).
Highest gust speed: 10.7mph (10:48), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 169 (SbE)
Maximum: 1019.9Mb, minimum: 1012.7Mb
Highest: 90% (04:33), lowest 52% (13:58)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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