A very cool day, a dominant wind in the north or north-west all day meant temperatures were really pegged back, feeling more like early March rather than July. There was plenty of heavy drizzle around for most of the morning, but during the afternoon the sun came out between the clouds and by late afternoon this is when the highest temperatures were recorded.
Maximum: 14.0°C (16:30). Minimum: 6.8°C (23:55). Average temperature for the day: 10.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 10.6°C (16:35). Low apparent temperature: 3.1°C (05:15)
Highest sustained wind speed: 14.2mph (16:25).
Highest gust speed: 18.3mph (16:15), bearing 135 (SE)
Dominant wind bearing: 285 (WbN)
Maximum: 1039.3Mb, minimum: 1029.6Mb
Highest: 81% (06:35), lowest 52% (16:40)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0m/hr
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