Actually a bright start with some nice morning sun and blue sky, but the forecasted rain arrived by 11ish right on schedule and stuck with us for the rest of the day. Not a complete washout, and when it was raining it was a lightish drizzle, but nevertheless a day for being indoors. Staying cool.
Maximum: 16.5°C (09:57). Minimum: 7.6°C (05:17). Average temperature for the day: 11.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 14.4°C (10:17). Low apparent temperature: 6.2°C (04:47)
Highest sustained wind speed: 8.9mph (10:57).
Highest gust speed: 12.1mph (10:57), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 298 (WNW)
Maximum: 1014.2Mb, minimum: 992.7Mb
Highest: 91% (22:27), lowest 57% (09:37)
Total for today: 4.2mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.2mm/hr (13:07)
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