Yesterday's description was almost a perfect match to today's weather too. A slightly keener wind, certainly a wind today rather than a breeze, kept the feel of the air on the cool side. Despite this, in the sunshine, it felt quite pleasant, but the numerous
cumulus mediocris clouds (fluffy white clouds with dark, flat bottoms) meant the sun was never out for long, and any warmth created by the sun quickly disappeared. After tea, the wind died down swiftly, skies cleared, and despite the thermometer registering cooler, it actually felt more pleasant. By late evening there were signs of a front approaching though, suggesting rain before dawn tomorrow.
Maximum: 19.6°C (15:03). Minimum: 11.2°C (04:23). Average temperature for the day: 15.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 18.1°C (18:43). Low apparent temperature: 8.0°C (03:53)
Highest sustained wind speed: 14.9mph (12:23).
Highest gust speed: 18.3mph (11:53), bearing 0 (N)
Dominant wind bearing: 246 (WSW)
Maximum: 1013.5Mb, minimum: 1010.5Mb
Highest: 79% (05:38), lowest 49% (12:58)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0m/hr
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