Overnight rain as a weather front moved through, but skies quickly brightened and the sun came out. Pleasant for a while, though a tad cool for having a sandwich in the garden at lunchtime, so a jumper was required. Towards teatime the skies slowly deteriorated as heavy and brooding layers of cloud moved in, and this led to rain for a time during early evening. The rain didn't last all that long, but the cloud persisted throughout the evening and into the night.
Maximum: 20.0°C (13:52). Minimum: 14.0°C (23:42). Average temperature for the day: 16.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 18.6°C (16:12). Low apparent temperature: 11.5°C (20:37)
Highest sustained wind speed: 11.0mph (12:42).
Highest gust speed: 13.6mph (10:27), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 279 (WbN)
Maximum: 1015.8Mb, minimum: 1012.0Mb
Highest: 92% (07:52), lowest 55% (14:37)
Total for today: 1.8mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.9m/hr (19:27)
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