A foggy start over the hills, particularly over the tops to Bolton, as I made my way there via the replacement bus service. The day didn't improve, with frequent spells of drizzly rain, more persistent than yesterday, and these continued into the evening until quite late on. Still feeling very cold for July - this month has seen huge contrasts in daily maxima, from 31°C at the start of the month to what is becoming a regular 16°C near the end.
Maximum: 16.2°C (16:47). Minimum: 12.4°C (00:02). Average temperature for the day: 13.6°C
Highest apparent temperature: 15.7°C (16:42). Low apparent temperature: 11.5°C (12:42)
Highest sustained wind speed: 10.1mph (12:42).
Highest gust speed: 11.4mph (12:57), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 270 (W)
Maximum: 998.9Mb, minimum: 992.4Mb
Highest: 94% (05:27), lowest 79% (16:47)
Total for today: 8.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.5mm/hr (05:17)
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