Another drizzly morning with thickish fog on the hills above Darwen, visibility down to about 100-150 yards. Yes this is July folks! The weather today was basically a repeat of yesterday - but worse! Temperatures a tad down, the wind a little stronger and more in the way of rainfall.
Maximum: 15.6°C (13:32). Minimum: 10.6°C (23:57). Average temperature for the day: 12.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 12.7°C (00:02). Low apparent temperature: 8.1°C (15:17)
Highest sustained wind speed: 13.2mph (15:17).
Highest gust speed: 15.9mph (13:22), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 247 (WbS)
Maximum: 1005.9Mb, minimum: 998.4Mb
Highest: 95% (04:47), lowest 71% (13:42)
Total for today: 11.1mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.4mm/hr (15:12)
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