About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Muggy start to a sunny and hot day

A muggy night, but overcast by early morning.  The cloud gradually thinned and by lunchtime the sun was out.  Fair weather cloud bubbled up from time to time but there were long periods of clear blue sky, allowing temperatures to reach their highest in 2015.  Staying warm, even into the evening: by 8pm the temperature was still 27.6°C and only gradually tailing off.  Looks like an uncomfortable night to come...
30 Jun Dashboard

Maximum: 28.9°C (16:54).  Minimum: 15.8°C (03:29).  Average temperature for the day: 22.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 29.3°C (16:59).  Low apparent temperature: 15.1°C (05:04)

The sun's rays through Oakdale's weather instruments
Highest sustained wind speed: 10.4mph (09:49).
Highest gust speed: 13.0mph (10:09), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 139 (SE)

Maximum: 1019.4Mb, minimum: 1013.6Mb

Highest: 77% (00:44), lowest 40% (19:07)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Monday, 29 June 2015

A pleasant summer's day

A dry and pleasant day - quite a bit of cloud in the morning but gradually the sun came out and temperatures climbed.  Plenty of hazy sunshine in the afternoon, some cloud but nothing too unpleasant, and the fine weather continued for the rest of the day.  A warm evening and the promise of another fine day tomorrow.
29 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 22.6°C (15:14).  Minimum: 12.9°C (05:19).  Average temperature for the day: 17.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 21.6°C (16:09).  Low apparent temperature: 12.2°C (05:19)

Highest sustained wind speed: 6.6mph (12:59).
Highest gust speed: 9.2mph (12:59), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 318 (NW)

Maximum: 1020.9Mb, minimum: 1017.7Mb

Highest: 85% (04:54), lowest 43% (14:29)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Rain but then brighter later

A mixed bag today: cloudy all morning but little sign of any substantial rain like it was forecast.  Rain did arrive by dinner-time, though not much, just some isolated little showers, a couple of them quite heavy.  Then in the afternoon the cloud lifted fairly quickly and before long there was plenty of blue sky and sunshine.  There was always still some cloud about, but nevertheless a pleasant end to the day.
28 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 20.4°C (14:54).  Minimum: 13.0°C (04:29).  Average temperature for the day: 16.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 18.6°C (14:19).  Low apparent temperature: 10.4°C (06:29)

Highest sustained wind speed: 15.2mph (17:24).
Highest gust speed: 19.7mph (16:34), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 310 (NW)

Maximum: 1017.7Mb, minimum: 1012.8Mb

Highest: 87% (08:09), lowest 55% (18:54)

Total for today: 0.9mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.6mm/hr (12:54)

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Dry and fine with some sun

Another dry day, with plenty of cloud but some spells of sunshine, which seemed to develop more widely during the afternoon.  Still a little chilly but the weather has improved from earlier in the month and all in all there's little in the weather today to complain about too much.
27 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 20.9°C (14:34).  Minimum: 12.5°C (03:44).  Average temperature for the day: 17.6°C
Highest apparent temperature: 19.5°C (16:39).  Low apparent temperature: 11.3°C (03:44)

Highest sustained wind speed: 12.6mph (15:14).
Highest gust speed: 15.9mph (15:14), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 283 (WbN)

Maximum: 1018.4Mb, minimum: 1013.7Mb

Highest: 89% (03:44), lowest 48% (15:04)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Friday, 26 June 2015

Still humid and warm

Continuing humid and warm with plenty of cloud and the odd glimpse of the sun.
26 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 20.9°C (18:04).  Minimum: 11.1°C (04:44).  Average temperature for the day: 14.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 20.0°C (19:49).  Low apparent temperature: 10.6°C (04:44)

Highest sustained wind speed: 7.1mph (17:04).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (16:54), bearing 248 (WSW)
Dominant wind bearing: 223 (SW)

Maximum: 1024.6Mb, minimum: 1013.1Mb

Highest: 87% (22:39), lowest 48% (17:54)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Humid but dry and warm

Plenty of cloud today, and a muggy feel to the air, but there was warmth and some sunshine. With light winds, it felt quite pleasant again.
25 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 18.4°C (20:44).  Minimum: 5.4°C (09:59).  Average temperature for the day: 12.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 17.2°C (20:44).  Low apparent temperature: 4.1°C (09:59)

Highest sustained wind speed: 5.3mph (18:39).
Highest gust speed: 7.6mph (17:29), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 262 (WbS)

Maximum: 1022.5Mb, minimum: 1017.1Mb

Highest: 93% (11:24), lowest 48% (20:34)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Fine, bright and warm

More cloud today, but overall it's not been a bad day: dry (apart from the odd spot or two at tea-time), some good spells of sunshine, particularly in the morning and lunchtime and light winds.  Definitely more cloud by tea and into the evening, but still no real signs of rain and a decent end to the day.
24 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 20.6°C (13:15).  Minimum: 7.8°C (01:40).  Average temperature for the day: 14.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 19.0°C (12:55).  Low apparent temperature: 6.7°C (01:40)

Highest sustained wind speed: 10.2mph (17:00).
Highest gust speed: 12.1mph (13:35), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 337 (NNW)

Maximum: 1024.0Mb, minimum: 1016.7Mb

Highest: 88% (02:35), lowest 52% (13:10)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

At last! It's a summer's day!

The cloud has gone! For the first time in a while the sun is out, the birds are singing and it's a lovely day. Some clouds mid-morning to mid-afternoon, but these cleared later to leave clear skies by tea-time and throughout the evening. Dry, warm with light winds, more of the same, please!
23 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 19.3°C (16:35).  Minimum: 8.1°C (05:30).  Average temperature for the day: 14.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 17.7°C (16:15).  Low apparent temperature: 7.0°C (05:30)

Highest sustained wind speed: 7.6mph (17:20).
Highest gust speed: 10.7mph (18:30), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 270 (W)

Maximum: 1023.1Mb, minimum: 1018.5Mb

Highest: 88% (06:00), lowest 52% (09:55)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Monday, 22 June 2015

British summer?

Occasional drizzle first thing this morning, but the sky looked brighter than it had throughout yesterday, with patches of blue sky. Although the cloud never filled the sky in completely throughout the day, the clouds were ganging up and they looked mean and moody throughout.  So we were back with more of the showery, cool, breezy weather we're becoming accustomed to.  Summer it ain't, but a British summer, maybe?
22 Jun Dashboard

Maximum: 14.1°C (14:46).  Minimum: 8.6°C (06:01).  Average temperature for the day: 11.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 12.2°C (19:01).  Low apparent temperature: 6.4°C (11:26)

Highest sustained wind speed: 12.2mph (14:41).
Highest gust speed: 19.7mph (16:36), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 284 (WbN)

Maximum: 1018.6Mb, minimum: 1012.8Mb

Highest: 90% (01:51), lowest 66% (20:26)

Total for today: 2.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.9mm/hr (09:46)

Sunday, 21 June 2015

An indoor Father's Day barbecue

Apart from a little rain in the morning, then the odd spot early afternoon and again late in the evening, today was dry.  It wasn't barbecue weather though - still cold (for June), really quite blustery, dark, angry-looking clouds and only fleeting glimpses of the sun.  It didn't stop us having a barbecue though (it was Fathers Day after all), but the eating happened indoors!

Today was also the longest day of the year (does that mean it's all downhill from now on?), and the astronomical first day of summer, so maybe there's time over the next three months for some better weather after all.
21 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 14.7°C (16:40).  Minimum: 10.3°C (23:46).  Average temperature for the day: 12.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.8°C (00:35).  Low apparent temperature: 6.9°C (08:45)

Highest sustained wind speed: 15.4mph (13:20).
Highest gust speed: 17.4mph (13:15), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 301 (NbNW)

Maximum: 1016.6Mb, minimum: 1003.7Mb

Highest: 92% (07:45), lowest 63% (16:55)

Total for today: 1.8mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.2mm/hr (07:40)

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Will it get any worse?

After yesterday's telling off, the weather did at least try to warm up a bit, but the penalty we had to pay was drizzle, that lasted most of the morning and into the afternoon, scuppering my plans to mow the grass.  Still breezy, this current run of west to north-westerly winds shows no sign of changing. and very little in the way of sunshine, even after the rain stopped.
20 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 17.5°C (17:45).  Minimum: 11.2°C (00:00).  Average temperature for the day: 14.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.8°C (17:50).  Low apparent temperature: 10.7°C (02:10)

Highest sustained wind speed: 9.2mph (18:15).
Highest gust speed: 13.6mph (18:15), bearing 135 (SE)
Dominant wind bearing: 291 (WNW)

Maximum: 1026.4Mb, minimum: 1007.3Mb

Highest: 97% (05:20), lowest 78% (17:55)

Total for today: 1.8mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.6mm/hr (11:55)

Friday, 19 June 2015

Cold and cloudy

If it was January then we wouldn't be saying it was cold.  But it's June, and a high of 12°C is really quite pathetic.  We've had some generally cool weather now, excepting the odd short spell, for several weeks now and it's about time the weather got its act together.  Hopefully that telling off will do the trick, folks.  In the meantime, today's been another dull, overcast, cold and breezy day, the only saving grace being that it's been dry.
19 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 12.3°C (19:10).  Minimum: 9.8°C (00:00).  Average temperature for the day: 11.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 11.0°C (19:10).  Low apparent temperature: 6.5°C (01:00)

Highest sustained wind speed: 11.9mph (09:05).
Highest gust speed: 17.4mph (13:00), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 287 (WNW)

Maximum: 1026.7Mb, minimum: 1024.9Mb

Highest: 85% (00:15), lowest 78% (14:50)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Cool, breezy and cloudy

Not really summer-esque: cloudy, with only isolated glimpses of the sun, cool and a brisk north-westerly breeze throughout the day.  At least we were spared much in terms of rain - but this really isn't what we'd call summer (and it's the longest day on Sunday!).
18 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 14.0°C (16:55).  Minimum: 9.1°C (01:45).  Average temperature for the day: 11.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 10.8°C (18:00).  Low apparent temperature: 5.3°C (05:35)

Highest sustained wind speed: 15.0mph (13:55).
Highest gust speed: 18.3mph (13:55), bearing 135 (SE)
Dominant wind bearing: 289 (WNW)

Maximum: 1026.2Mb, minimum: 1024.3Mb

Highest: 89% (00:00), lowest 67% (15:10)

Total for today: 0.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.3mm/hr (02:30)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

All change!

All change today as we saw drizzle from first thing this morning that lasted until late afternoon.  Cool and markedly different to what we've been seeing recently.
17 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 15.7°C (17:06).  Minimum: 10.5°C (23:45).  Average temperature for the day: 14.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.0°C (13:01).  Low apparent temperature: 8.5°C (23:55)

Highest sustained wind speed: 13.1mph (15:21).
Highest gust speed: 14.5mph (14:31), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 289 (WNW)

Maximum: 1027.5Mb, minimum: 1023.0Mb

Highest: 97% (15:16), lowest 75% (02:46)

Total for today: 9.6mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.6mm/hr (13:06)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Milky sunshine, but still warm

The sun was again shining today but not quite as strong; a muggy feel to the air watered down the sun's rays, but it also helped keep the heat in, so temperatures rose nicely into the low twenties.  Light winds again and another day without rain can't be bad.
16 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 20.9°C (13:15).  Minimum: 11.1°C (00:00).  Average temperature for the day: 15.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 20.0°C (15:00).  Low apparent temperature: 10.6°C (00:00)

Highest sustained wind speed: 8.6mph (16:15).
Highest gust speed: 12.1mph (16:10), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 259 (WbS)

Maximum: 1029.3Mb, minimum: 1027.5Mb

Highest: 86% (05:40), lowest 48% (13:05)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Monday, 15 June 2015

Plenty of sun and very warm

Really it seemed quite cloudy today for the most part, but there must have been plenty of gaps as the sun was shining through for most of the day.  We didn't see the high temperatures of last week but the strong sun made it feel very pleasant and very warm.
15 Jun Dashboard
Maximum: 18.4°C (15:55).  Minimum: 5.4°C (05:10).  Average temperature for the day: 12.6°C
Highest apparent temperature: 17.2°C (15:55).  Low apparent temperature: 4.1°C (05:10)

Highest sustained wind speed: 5.3mph (13:50).
Highest gust speed: 7.6mph (12:40), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 251 (WSW)

Maximum: 1028.3Mb, minimum: 1024.3Mb

Highest: 93% (06:35), lowest 48% (15:45)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr