Occasional drizzle first thing this morning, but the sky looked brighter than it had throughout yesterday, with patches of blue sky. Although the cloud never filled the sky in completely throughout the day, the clouds were ganging up and they looked mean and moody throughout. So we were back with more of the showery, cool, breezy weather we're becoming accustomed to. Summer it ain't, but a British summer, maybe?
Maximum: 14.1°C (14:46). Minimum: 8.6°C (06:01). Average temperature for the day: 11.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 12.2°C (19:01). Low apparent temperature: 6.4°C (11:26)
Highest sustained wind speed: 12.2mph (14:41).
Highest gust speed: 19.7mph (16:36), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 284 (WbN)
Maximum: 1018.6Mb, minimum: 1012.8Mb
Highest: 90% (01:51), lowest 66% (20:26)
Total for today: 2.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.9mm/hr (09:46)
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