After yesterday's telling off, the weather did at least try to warm up a bit, but the penalty we had to pay was drizzle, that lasted most of the morning and into the afternoon, scuppering my plans to mow the grass. Still breezy, this current run of west to north-westerly winds shows no sign of changing. and very little in the way of sunshine, even after the rain stopped.
Maximum: 17.5°C (17:45). Minimum: 11.2°C (00:00). Average temperature for the day: 14.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.8°C (17:50). Low apparent temperature: 10.7°C (02:10)
Highest sustained wind speed: 9.2mph (18:15).
Highest gust speed: 13.6mph (18:15), bearing 135 (SE)
Dominant wind bearing: 291 (WNW)
Maximum: 1026.4Mb, minimum: 1007.3Mb
Highest: 97% (05:20), lowest 78% (17:55)
Total for today: 1.8mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.6mm/hr (11:55)
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