Apart from a little rain in the morning, then the odd spot early afternoon and again late in the evening, today was dry. It wasn't barbecue weather though - still cold (for June), really quite blustery, dark, angry-looking clouds and only fleeting glimpses of the sun. It didn't stop us having a barbecue though (it was Fathers Day after all), but the eating happened indoors!
Today was also the longest day of the year (does that mean it's all downhill from now on?), and the astronomical first day of summer, so maybe there's time over the next three months for some better weather after all.
Maximum: 14.7°C (16:40). Minimum: 10.3°C (23:46). Average temperature for the day: 12.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.8°C (00:35). Low apparent temperature: 6.9°C (08:45)
Highest sustained wind speed: 15.4mph (13:20).
Highest gust speed: 17.4mph (13:15), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 301 (NbNW)
Maximum: 1016.6Mb, minimum: 1003.7Mb
Highest: 92% (07:45), lowest 63% (16:55)
Total for today: 1.8mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.2mm/hr (07:40)
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