The sun was again shining today but not quite as strong; a muggy feel to the air watered down the sun's rays, but it also helped keep the heat in, so temperatures rose nicely into the low twenties. Light winds again and another day without rain can't be bad.
Maximum: 20.9°C (13:15). Minimum: 11.1°C (00:00). Average temperature for the day: 15.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 20.0°C (15:00). Low apparent temperature: 10.6°C (00:00)
Highest sustained wind speed: 8.6mph (16:15).
Highest gust speed: 12.1mph (16:10), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 259 (WbS)
Maximum: 1029.3Mb, minimum: 1027.5Mb
Highest: 86% (05:40), lowest 48% (13:05)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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