Very sunny, and our record high temperature has nudged up for the second time this month to a new high of 22.9°C. Temperatures have been on a warming trend for a few days now, with both highs creaping upwards and daily lows increasing even more. Winds remain light, and all in all a perfect summer's day.
Maximum: 22.9°C (13:45). Minimum: 7.1°C (04:10). Average temperature for the day: 16.1°C
Highest apparent temperature: 21.9°C (14:45). Low apparent temperature: 5.6°C (04:20)
Highest sustained wind speed: 5.9mph (11:20).
Highest gust speed: 9.2mph (12:55), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 104 (EbS)
Maximum: 1031.5Mb, minimum: 1020.6Mb
Highest: 84% (04:55), lowest 39% (13:50)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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