About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

30/9 More sunshine

More sunshine - just a little mist in the early hours and around dawn, but once this cleared, there was wall to wall sunshine throughout.  Feeling a little cool in the shade (remember, it's late September), but there's still plenty of warmth in the direct sun, even though it's now over the other side of the equator.
30 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.5°C (12:32).  Minimum: 7.2°C (05:12).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.3°C (12:32).  Low apparent temperature: 6.0°C (05:12)

Highest sustained wind speed: 5.1mph (16:07).
Highest gust speed: 6.9mph (10:52), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 151 (SEbS)

Maximum: 1036.6Mb, minimum: 1033.7Mb

Highest: 91% (07:42), lowest 55% (15:57)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

29/9 Same again!

Colours in the sky after sunset, Redeemer School
Colours in the sky over Redeemer School
Yet more sunshine today as we remain well and truly underneath a large area of high pressure,  There was a slight change early on though as there was a thin layer of high cloud around at dawn.  Even so, the sun could always be seen and as it climbed, the cloud became insignificant.

It's quite cold early on now, though the temperature rose quickly, peaking this time slightly less but still a respectable 16.5°C.  Dry again, and with lighter winds today, feeling very pleasant, though the temperature dropped quickly after sunset.
29 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 16.5°C (12:42).  Minimum: 6.5°C (07:32).  Average temperature for the day: 11.5°C
Highest apparent temperature: 15.8°C (12:42).  Low apparent temperature: 4.8°C (07:52)

Highest sustained wind speed: 4.5mph (12:27).
Highest gust speed: 5.4mph (12:22), bearing 0 (N)
Dominant wind bearing: 331 (NWbN)

Maximum: 1037.2Mb, minimum: 1035.3Mb

Highest: 91% (08:52), lowest 63% (14:57)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Monday, 28 September 2015

28/9 Sunny again!

Another cool night but no sign of the frost it was suggested we may have. If you got up at around 3am, you'd have seen a 'blood moon': a lunar eclipse where the red portion of sunlight is refracted through the Earth's atmosphere onto the Moon's surface, but other wavelengths are not. There's been many images posted online of the phenomenon, but not by me, despite the ideal viewing conditions (unusually for us...), in my view 3 o'clock is a time best appreciated in the afternoons.

Photo of Circumzenithal Arc over OakdaleAnyway, the weather... Another virtually cloudless day, again just whisps of cirrus and vapour trails blemishing a perfect blue sky on another dry and warm day, with a slightly stronger breeze throughout.

And another unusual phenomena in the evening: the thin cirrus clouds created for a time a vivid circumzenithal arc, a kind of upside-down rainbow, which again created a stir online. Whilst striking, and this one was indeed a particularly good example, these are not actually that uncommon, appearing when there's thin cirrus in the sky and the sun is at a fairly shallow angle.

Unfortunately I just had my phone with me and only captured the end of the show as the arc shrunk back to a coloured circle. (Note the bright spot in the trees in this photo is lens flare)
28 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.5°C (12:35).  Minimum: 5.8°C (06:54).  Average temperature for the day: 11.1°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.5°C (16:57).  Low apparent temperature: 4.5°C (06:54)

Highest sustained wind speed: 8.7mph (11:42).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (12:03), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 349 (NbW)

Maximum: 1037.2Mb, minimum: 1034.8Mb

Highest: 92% (09:39), lowest 59% (12:41)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Sunday, 27 September 2015

27/9 Sunny throughout

A cool start but clear skies meant the sun got to work, bringing pleasant Autumn temperatures under perfect cloudless skies. Only whisps of cirrus and lengthy vapour trails were visible throughout the day. The clear conditions persisted into the night, perfect for viewing the 'supermoon', a large full moon almost at perigee, the closest it gets to Earth in its elliptical orbit.
27 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.4°C (12:38).  Minimum: 4.2°C (07:18).  Average temperature for the day: 9.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.3°C (12:43).  Low apparent temperature: 2.6°C (07:18)

Highest sustained wind speed: 4.8mph (13:13).
Highest gust speed: 6.0mph (13:58), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 321 (NWbN)

Maximum: 1036.1Mb, minimum: 1030.8Mb

Highest: 90% (08:48), lowest 54% (12:43)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Saturday, 26 September 2015

26/9 A fine day but with stubborn cloud cover

A clear and cold start without a cloud, but during the morning a layer of convection cloud developed, which pegged back the temperatures and spoiled what would have been a lovely day.  At the coast in Southport, where we spent the day, there was much more sunshine, just a scattering of fair weather cloud for a time.  Back at Oakdale, by evening the cloud thinned and broke, leaving clear skies, giving a good view of the almost-full "supermoon", and allowing temperatures to fall.
26 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 16.3°C (15:08).  Minimum: 6.4°C (08:03).  Average temperature for the day: 11.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 15.5°C (15:28).  Low apparent temperature: 5.2°C (04:38)

Highest sustained wind speed: 3.8mph (13:38).
Highest gust speed: 3.8mph (12:48), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 313 (NW)

Maximum: 1030.9Mb, minimum: 1026.1Mb

Highest: 92% (09:33), lowest 54% (16:18)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Friday, 25 September 2015

25/9 Cloudy but improving throughout

An all but dry day, still quite cloudy and still a breeze too, but the cloud cover began to thin during the afternoon so that by evening there were some good clear spells.  Pressure is climbing steadily and a good weekend is forecast.

25 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 14.6°C (12:28).  Minimum: 9.7°C (02:38).  Average temperature for the day: 11.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 11.6°C (14:08).  Low apparent temperature: 7.5°C (02:23)

Highest sustained wind speed: 10.6mph (13:48).
Highest gust speed: 15.2mph (13:48), bearing 225 (SW)
Dominant wind bearing: 240 (SWbW)

Maximum: 1026.2Mb, minimum: 1014.9Mb

Highest: 85% (02:03), lowest 59% (12:33)

Total for today: 0.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.3mm/hr (10:18)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

24/9 Heavy showers drying later

Some heavy showers during the night, gradually easing during the morning, leaving a dry afternoon. Still generally overcast with some dark clouds and a stiff breeze, but pressure is on the rise and a fine settled spell is forecast for the weekend.
24 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 13.3°C (15:13).  Minimum: 8.7°C (08:33).  Average temperature for the day: 11.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 11.8°C (00:03).  Low apparent temperature: 6.6°C (08:23)

Highest sustained wind speed: 14.4mph (12:13).
Highest gust speed: 17.4mph (12:03), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 292 (WNW)

Maximum: 1014.9Mb, minimum: 1006.2Mb

Highest: 88% (00:28), lowest 66% (15:23)

Total for today: 12.9mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 4.5mm/hr (04:08)

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

23/9 Fine and dry start but rain later

Starting dry and fine with plenty of blue sky and a noticeable chill in the air.  Cloud building throughout the morning, enough to bring several showers during the afternoon and again into the evening.  Staying cool throughout.
23 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 13.9°C (12:18).  Minimum: 8.3°C (06:33).  Average temperature for the day: 11.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.1°C (20:08).  Low apparent temperature: 5.8°C (07:18)

Highest sustained wind speed: 8.1mph (11:43).
Highest gust speed: 9.2mph (00:43), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 239 (SWbW)

Maximum: 1009.4Mb, minimum: 1006.8Mb

Highest: 89% (21:48), lowest 65% (13:13)

Total for today: 3.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.1mm/hr (17:08)

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

22/9 Damp start to a reasonable day

A damp start, some rain overnight then cloudy by morning with the odd spot of drizzle.  Slowly turning brighter with some nice spells of blue sky and sunshine, with always a few towering shower clouds around. Staying dry into the evening with some clear patches forming, giving a good view of the gibbous moon.
22 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 15.0°C (12:38).  Minimum: 8.5°C (05:48).  Average temperature for the day: 11.0°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.4°C (12:38).  Low apparent temperature: 7.7°C (02:03)

Highest sustained wind speed: 10.9mph (16:23).
Highest gust speed: 15.2mph (17:08), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 305 (NWbW)

Maximum: 1006.8Mb, minimum: 999.3Mb

Highest: 92% (05:23), lowest 67% (12:43)

Total for today: 3.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.0mm/hr (03:28)

Monday, 21 September 2015

21/9 Rain, brightening later but then heavy showers

A wet start with rain during the night, and still spots of rain during rush hour.  Staying overcast with more rain showers during the morning but gradually clearing Ito the afternoon with some sunny spells developing. By late evening, rain was around again with one or two showers, some heavy. Temperatures slightly on the cool side.
21 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 14.0°C (13:58).  Minimum: 9.8°C (23:58).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 12.0°C (11:43).  Low apparent temperature: 8.6°C (05:13)

Highest sustained wind speed: 10.4mph (15:48).
Highest gust speed: 13.0mph (14:13), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 259 (WbS)

Maximum: 1016.3Mb, minimum: 1001.5Mb

Highest: 89% (08:43), lowest 72% (16:08)

Total for today: 10.5mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.6mm/hr (09:53)

Sunday, 20 September 2015

20/9 Mist, then sun, but then a change

A misty start again, and once again lifting and breaking to give some good sunny spells by mid morning. However, there's a change on the way as a veil of high cloud gradually set in, followed by thicker cloud that gave some slight fine drizzle by about 7pm.
20 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 15.4°C (14:43).  Minimum: 6.2°C (06:18).  Average temperature for the day: 11.1°C
Highest apparent temperature: 14.6°C (14:38).  Low apparent temperature: 5.0°C (06:18)

Highest sustained wind speed: 7.1mph (23:58).
Highest gust speed: 9.2mph (21:48), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 185 (S)

Maximum: 1025.4Mb, minimum: 1016.2Mb

Highest: 92% (07:58), lowest 69% (14:43)

Total for today: 0.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.3mm/hr (08:28)

Saturday, 19 September 2015

19/9 Sunshine after a misty start

Misty start, soon lifting to low cloud, then quickly breaking up and dispersing.  Plenty of sunshine following for the rest of the day, and with light winds feeling very pleasant.
19 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.9°C (12:33).  Minimum: 6.9°C (02:28).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 17.2°C (12:33).  Low apparent temperature: 5.8°C (02:28)

Highest sustained wind speed: 7.1mph (15:23).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (15:23), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 11 (NbE)

Maximum: 1025.6Mb, minimum: 1019.7Mb

Highest: 92% (07:23), lowest 62% (16:43)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Friday, 18 September 2015

Drizzle to start but brightening

Heavy drizzle to start from a thick layer of stratus cloud.  By 11 o'clock the cloud layer quickly started to break up as the air pressure continued to rise, allowing spells of sunshine.  The fine weather continued throughout the rest of the day, with plenty blue skies and sunshine.

18 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.0°C (16:48).  Minimum: 8.2°C (03:28).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.2°C (16:48).  Low apparent temperature: 6.9°C (01:48)

Highest sustained wind speed: 4.0mph (17:03).
Highest gust speed: 5.4mph (14:38), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 13 (NbE)

Maximum: 1019.8Mb, minimum: 1003.7Mb

Highest: 90% (08:48), lowest 60% (16:23)

Total for today: 2.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.2mm/hr (09:03)

Thursday, 17 September 2015

A cloudy but dry day

In contrast to yesterday, today has been cloudy throughout with little sign of the sun until evening. Throughout, the skies have been filled with stratus (thick layer of unbroken cloud) or stratocumulus (a layer of lumps or rolls of cloud with occasional breaks in between).  By evening the cloud breaks became more pronounced allowing some sunlight through.  Despite the cloud, dry all day here, although there were one or two showers elsewhere in the county.
17 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 15.8°C (13:23).  Minimum: 4.7°C (07:03).  Average temperature for the day: 10.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.5°C (12:38).  Low apparent temperature: 3.2°C (07:03)

Highest sustained wind speed: 9.4mph (13:58).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (13:48), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 315 (NW)

Maximum: 1003.9Mb, minimum: 990.6Mb

Highest: 93% (09:08), lowest 60% (13:33)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Blue skies and sunshine throughout

Cool and damp first thing, but blue skies from the word 'go' meant the temperatures climbed quickly, reaching respectable levels throughout the bulk of the day.  Light winds and few clouds throughout as the forecasted bank of cloud and rain stayed well to the south, and as the low pressure system linked to the bad weather is set to track north east and well away from us, the next few days are set fair too.
16 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.4°C (12:38).  Minimum: 4.0°C (07:14).  Average temperature for the day: 10.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 15.8°C (12:38).  Low apparent temperature: 2.4°C (07:14)

Highest sustained wind speed: 5.6mph (11:33).
Highest gust speed: 7.6mph (11:28), bearing 360 (N)
Dominant wind bearing: 338 (NNW)

Maximum: 995.4Mb, minimum: 989.2Mb

Highest: 93% (09:34), lowest 46% (12:43)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Generally overcast but mainly dry

Generally cloudy throughout, with one or two angry clouds around for much of the day.  The rain wasn't particularly heavy and all came during the night; during daylight hours it stayed dry if not especially warm.  Turning breezy for a time during the afternoon, but winds dying away in the evening as skies cleared, which also allowed temperatures to drop.
15 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 16.3°C (12:44).  Minimum: 7.3°C (23:04).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.9°C (12:39).  Low apparent temperature: 5.9°C (23:19)

Highest sustained wind speed: 10.7mph (15:19).
Highest gust speed: 13.6mph (15:14), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 256 (WbS)

Maximum: 996.1Mb, minimum: 989.7Mb

Highest: 92% (06:19), lowest 66% (12:49)

Total for today: 3.6mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.6mm/hr (00:04)

Monday, 14 September 2015

In between low pressure

Well the dry, fine weather from last week has truly departed now, and we're back in a run of Atlantic weather with a series of low pressures all jostling for position.  There's more energy in the sky with no view of the clouds staying the same for very long, but despite this, today has been mainly dry. Winds haven't been excessive either, and whilst the thermometer has been a little disappointing, we must remember we are now in mid-September.
14 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 15.6°C (12:44).  Minimum: 6.6°C (03:08).  Average temperature for the day: 10.8°C
Highest apparent temperature: 14.9°C (12:44).  Low apparent temperature: 5.3°C (03:08)

Highest sustained wind speed: 5.8mph (20:54).
Highest gust speed: 9.2mph (19:29), bearing 135 (SE)
Dominant wind bearing: 151 (SEbS)

Maximum: 999.9Mb, minimum: 989.9Mb

Highest: 90% (09:39), lowest 69% (12:59)

Total for today: 5.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.6mm/hr (23:59)

Sunday, 13 September 2015

A reasonable day

Today was much improved over the forecast, particularly the forecast given a couple of days ago. Plenty of cloud for a while during the morning, but throughout there were signs of the sun, and during the afternoon the sun came out for long spells.  Always some dark and broody clouds about, but all in all not a bad day.
13 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 18.3°C (12:48).  Minimum: 8.6°C (04:03).  Average temperature for the day: 12.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.5°C (16:28).  Low apparent temperature: 6.0°C (07:23)

Highest sustained wind speed: 7.4mph (13:43).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (13:58), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 183 (S)

Maximum: 1007.0Mb, minimum: 999.9Mb

Highest: 86% (04:33), lowest 52% (12:48)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr