More sunshine - just a little mist in the early hours and around dawn, but once this cleared, there was wall to wall sunshine throughout. Feeling a little cool in the shade (remember, it's late September), but there's still plenty of warmth in the direct sun, even though it's now over the other side of the equator.
Maximum: 17.5°C (12:32). Minimum: 7.2°C (05:12). Average temperature for the day: 11.9°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.3°C (12:32). Low apparent temperature: 6.0°C (05:12)
Highest sustained wind speed: 5.1mph (16:07).
Highest gust speed: 6.9mph (10:52), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 151 (SEbS)
Maximum: 1036.6Mb, minimum: 1033.7Mb
Highest: 91% (07:42), lowest 55% (15:57)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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