About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Monday, 28 September 2015

28/9 Sunny again!

Another cool night but no sign of the frost it was suggested we may have. If you got up at around 3am, you'd have seen a 'blood moon': a lunar eclipse where the red portion of sunlight is refracted through the Earth's atmosphere onto the Moon's surface, but other wavelengths are not. There's been many images posted online of the phenomenon, but not by me, despite the ideal viewing conditions (unusually for us...), in my view 3 o'clock is a time best appreciated in the afternoons.

Photo of Circumzenithal Arc over OakdaleAnyway, the weather... Another virtually cloudless day, again just whisps of cirrus and vapour trails blemishing a perfect blue sky on another dry and warm day, with a slightly stronger breeze throughout.

And another unusual phenomena in the evening: the thin cirrus clouds created for a time a vivid circumzenithal arc, a kind of upside-down rainbow, which again created a stir online. Whilst striking, and this one was indeed a particularly good example, these are not actually that uncommon, appearing when there's thin cirrus in the sky and the sun is at a fairly shallow angle.

Unfortunately I just had my phone with me and only captured the end of the show as the arc shrunk back to a coloured circle. (Note the bright spot in the trees in this photo is lens flare)
28 Sep Dashboard
Maximum: 17.5°C (12:35).  Minimum: 5.8°C (06:54).  Average temperature for the day: 11.1°C
Highest apparent temperature: 16.5°C (16:57).  Low apparent temperature: 4.5°C (06:54)

Highest sustained wind speed: 8.7mph (11:42).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (12:03), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 349 (NbW)

Maximum: 1037.2Mb, minimum: 1034.8Mb

Highest: 92% (09:39), lowest 59% (12:41)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

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