Cool, with the wind in the north or north-west. Starting clear with plenty of sunshine, but the clouds started building from the word 'go' and by early afternoon there were some brief but heavy showers, all accompanied by a blustery wind that contrasted sharply with the still conditions from earlier in the morning.
Maximum: 16.2°C (15:25). Minimum: 8.0°C (06:05). Average temperature for the day: 12.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 14.9°C (12:50). Low apparent temperature: 7.1°C (06:05)
Highest sustained wind speed: 11.9mph (15:15).
Highest gust speed: 16.8mph (14:30), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 299 (NWbW)
Maximum: 1018.5Mb, minimum: 1016.4Mb
Highest: 93% (07:25), lowest 69% (15:30)
Total for today: 3.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.7mm/hr (13:55)
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