In contrast to yesterday, today has been cloudy throughout with little sign of the sun until evening. Throughout, the skies have been filled with stratus (thick layer of unbroken cloud) or stratocumulus (a layer of lumps or rolls of cloud with occasional breaks in between). By evening the cloud breaks became more pronounced allowing some sunlight through. Despite the cloud, dry all day here, although there were one or two showers elsewhere in the county.
Maximum: 15.8°C (13:23). Minimum: 4.7°C (07:03). Average temperature for the day: 10.3°C
Highest apparent temperature: 13.5°C (12:38). Low apparent temperature: 3.2°C (07:03)
Highest sustained wind speed: 9.4mph (13:58).
Highest gust speed: 9.8mph (13:48), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 315 (NW)
Maximum: 1003.9Mb, minimum: 990.6Mb
Highest: 93% (09:08), lowest 60% (13:33)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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