About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Stuck in a rut

The weather seems stuck in a rut at the moment as today was again fairly cloudy, with light winds and cool temperatures.  There was a little more sunshine in fairness during the morning, and again it's been dry, so not too bad all in all.  The cloud did clear in the evening, allowing the stars to come out and temperatures to fall.
16 Mar Dashboard
Maximum: 7.5°c (14:20), minimum: 2.5°c (23:50).  Average temperature for the day: 4.7°c
Highest apparent temperature: 5.1°c (15:05).  Low apparent temperature: 0.4°c (23:50)

Highest sustained wind speed: 4.3 mph (14:20).
Highest gust speed: 6.9 mph (16:30), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 266 (W)

Maximum: 1032.4Mb, minimum: 1027.0Mb

Highest: 84% (06:40), lowest 69% (15:25)

Total for today: 0.3mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.3mm (09:40)

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