After a frost overnight, temperatures were already on the rise by morning and cloud was building in the west. The wind picked up as a warm front passed through, meaning a lively day with a fairly short spell of rain. One or two showers blew in during the afternoon, but skies gradually brightened, bringing some sunshine before nightfall.
Maximum: 10.0°c (16:46), minimum: 0.6°c (01:21). Average temperature for the day: 4.9°c
Highest apparent temperature: 7.4°c (17:01). Low apparent temperature: -3.4°c (08:41)
Highest sustained wind speed: 17.2 mph (12:41).
Highest gust speed: 23.5 mph (08:36), bearing 45 (NE)
Dominant wind bearing: 191 (SbW)
Maximum: 1030.9Mb, minimum: 1017.2Mb
Highest: 88% (12:36), lowest 71% (07:56)
Total for today: 3.9mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.8mm (11:11)
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