Generally a fairly nice day with light winds, decent spells of sunshine and temperatures responding in the early spring sun. Feeling warmer than the thermometer recorded, but apart from a brief shower late morning, all in all not a bad day. Later in the evening the wind started freshening, indicating that tomorrow may be quite different...
Maximum: 9.0°c (12:45) minimum: -2.4°c (06:40). Average temperature for the day: 3.0°c
Highest apparent temperature: 6.3°c (12:45). Low apparent temperature: -5.1°c (06:55)
Highest sustained wind speed: 6.8mph (23:55).
Highest gust speed: 11.4mph (23:55), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 317 (NW)
Maximum: 1017.1Mb, minimum: 1008.6Mb
Highest: 88% (11:15), lowest 47% (18:45)
Total for today: 0.3 mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.3mm/hr (11:30)
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