Well we have finally broken our record since we started recording back in November, so today marks the warmest day since the Autumn, reaching 14.3°C earlier this afternoon. We had a cloudy start today, which was due to a deep low pressure system moving through over northern Scotland, but after mid-morning the cloud slowly cleared and the sun emerged. We were lucky though, the weather just a few miles north of Blackburn was quite different under the tail end of the frontal system.
Maximum: 14.3°c (14:36), minimum: 5.8°c (23:56). Average temperature for the day: 9.8 °c
Highest apparent temperature: 11.3°c (14:11). Low apparent temperature: 2.5°c (01:21)
Highest sustained wind speed: 14.2 mph (15:21).
Highest gust speed: 16.8 mph (01:11), bearing 180 (S)
Dominant wind bearing: 30 (NEbN)
Maximum: 1023.3Mb, minimum: 1019.6Mb
Highest: 80% (23:51), lowest 47% (15:31)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: n/a
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