Persistent rain throughout the morning, turning drier for a time in the afternoon but rain was never far away with further spells of wet weather in the evening and during the night. Fairly breezy throughout the day, making it feel quite unpleasant outside. The one positive stat was the temperatures, which were quite mild, but let's be honest, it wasn't a day to be out and about.
Maximum: 12.8°c (13:00), minimum: 4.4°c (00:50). Average temperature for the day: 8.6°c
Highest apparent temperature: 10.8°c (14:10). Low apparent temperature: 1.0°c (05:30)
Highest sustained wind speed: 16.6mph (15:55).
Highest gust speed: 20.6 mph (11:00), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 302 (NWbW)
Maximum: 1020.3Mb, minimum: 1002.9Mb
Highest: 88% (06:00), lowest 68% (00:00)
Total for today: 9.9mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 3.0mm/hr (10:20)
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