It's weekend and the good weather from last week has well and truly departed now. Today was wet at times, cool and overcast. As the light started to fade there was a brief glimpse of the sun as it set behind the school. A stark back edge to the cloud cover hinted that tonight might be cold and clear, so maybe tomorrow might just be ok?
Maximum: 11.5°C (11:41) minimum: 3.0°C (23:55). Average temperature for the day: 8.7°C
Highest apparent temperature: 9.2°C (10:56). Low apparent temperature: 1.1°C (23:55)
Highest sustained wind speed: 11.0mph (12:11).
Highest gust speed: 15.2mph (12:01), bearing 315 (NW)
Dominant wind bearing: 335 (NNW)
Maximum: 1012.1Mb, minimum: 1004.8Mb
Highest: 89% (09:46), lowest 71% (17:51)
Total for today: 2.7mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.5mm/hr (10:01)
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