Another dry day, and warmer still, as our temperature record eases upwards still further. A little more hazy this afternoon, and there are reports of higher than normal pollution levels due to the still conditions. Clear throughout the day but staying above freezing at night due to the gentle southerly breeze.
Maximum: 17.2°c (15:30) minimum: 5.1°c (06:50). Average temperature for the day: 11.3°c
Highest apparent temperature: 15.8°c (18:35). Low apparent temperature: 3.4°c (06:50)
Highest sustained wind speed: 5.6mph (16:05).
Highest gust speed: 7.6mph (15:35), bearing 45 (NE)
Dominant wind bearing: 78 (EbN)
Maximum: 1033.3Mb, minimum: 1025.6Mb
Highest: 86% (07:55), lowest 47% (15:45)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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