About Oakdale Weather Station

Oakdale Weather Station is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, UK. We are an amateur meteorology site using an entry-level Fine Offset weather station and our data is analysed with Cumulus software. The site is intended for anyone interested in seeing what the weather has been like in our area and we welcome your feedback. Please note we aren't forecasting the weather - for up to date forecasts for Blackburn we recommend the Met Office's Blackburn forecast.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Hazy spring warmth - but rain on the way

To those who only take a passing interest in the weather it might feel like every day is the same at the moment, but each day this week there's been some subtle changes going on, and today's no exception.  Whilst calm, sunny and, let's face it, an all round nice day again, there is much more haze in the air today and the breeze has increased, which has just taken the edge of what the temperatures feel like.

And there is more substantial change on the way too - there's a cold front moving through overnight so we'll see some rain for the first time in a while, but while it won't be the only spell of wet weather this weekend, there will be some more dry weather in between and it's forecast to be nice again next week.
10 Apr Dashboard
Maximum: 18.8°c (15:56) minimum: 6.6°c (02:56).  Average temperature for the day: 11.9°c
Highest apparent temperature: 15.4°c (15:06).  Low apparent temperature: 4.9°c (03:01)

Highest sustained wind speed: 12.7mph (12:16).
Highest gust speed: 18.3mph (12:11), bearing 90 (E)
Dominant wind bearing: 69 (ENE)

Maximum: 1025.6Mb, minimum: 1012.8Mb

Highest: 80% (03:11), lowest 37% (12:36)

Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr

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