It's weekend, and after a sunny week, what do we have? Rain and dull grey skies! Overcast through to mid-morning but then patchy rain set in and stayed with us for much of the day, becoming more persistent for a time in the afternoon. Drying by evening but still cloudy and dull.
Maximum: 10.8°c (12:41) minimum: 3.7°c (23:21). Average temperature for the day: 5.9°c
Highest apparent temperature: 7.0°c (12:41). Low apparent temperature: -1.9°c (14:46)
Highest sustained wind speed: 21.1mph (13:16).
Highest gust speed: 26.6mph (13:06), bearing 225 (SW)
Dominant wind bearing: 249 (WSW)
Maximum: 1031.5Mb, minimum: 1018.9Mb
Highest: 87% (16:36), lowest 70% (12:36)
Total for today: 3.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 1.2mm/hr (14:11)
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