Not a great start to the bank holiday weekend, drizzly rain quickly moving in and settling over us for most of the day. Feeling really quite cold in the wind that veered around from west to north and then north-northeast, with a maximum of only 8°C, and feeling only like 5°C - more like early March rather than May.
Maximum: 8.4°C (13:27) minimum: 4.0°C (05:27). Average temperature for the day: 6.2°C
Highest apparent temperature: 5.0°C (19:17). Low apparent temperature: 1.4°C (05:52)
Highest sustained wind speed: 10.4mph (13:32).
Highest gust speed: 11.4mph (09:22), bearing 270 (W)
Dominant wind bearing: 22 (NNE)
Maximum: 1017.4Mb, minimum: 1007.8Mb
Highest: 82% (23:57), lowest 64% (10:02)
Total for today: 2.4mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.6mm/hr (15:32)
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