A fairly nondescript day really - fairly cloudy and cool with northerly winds nudging the temperatures down despite some sunny spells every now and again. Thankfully after a few days of rain to end April, we had a dry start to May, but the forecast is fairly unsettled at the moment so there's not much chance it'll last.
Maximum: 11.7°C (15:52) minimum: 0.5°C (05:07). Average temperature for the day: 6.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 9.0°C (15:57). Low apparent temperature: -2.0°C (05:27)
Highest sustained wind speed: 6.0mph (12:42).
Highest gust speed: 8.3mph (12:42), bearing 0 (N)
Dominant wind bearing: 340 (NNW)
Maximum: 1017.6Mb, minimum: 1014.9Mb
Highest: 83% (07:52), lowest 39% (13:02)
Total for today: 0.0mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 0.0mm/hr
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