Rain arrived overnight but by morning this first band of weather had passed through. Skies were dull with a hint of drizzle in the air but we were promised a very soggy rush hour so this was much better. There was more rain later in the morning and skies remained grey and angry throughout, but by afternoon the clouds broke and we had an hour or so of sunshine, even if temperatures remained unremarkable. This didn't last too long though - heavy and squally showers started to move in from the west, including a really sharp one just as I was bringing Matthew home from nursery.
Maximum: 13.2°C (14:14) minimum: 8.1°C (23:43). Average temperature for the day: 10.4°C
Highest apparent temperature: 10.6°C (09:14). Low apparent temperature: 3.4°C (19:39)
Highest sustained wind speed: 18.5mph (19:39).
Highest gust speed: 25.1mph (19:34), bearing 225 (SW)
Dominant wind bearing: 222 (SW)
Maximum: 998.4Mb, minimum: 987.0Mb
Highest: 90% (06:09), lowest 55% (14:14)
Total for today: 10.2mm. Highest hourly rainfall: 2.7mm/hr (17.44)
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